Yuchun Birthday Celebration Video Production

This is a project to send smiles and congratulatory messages to Yuchun on his birthday.

We will make a video with your smiles and messages to Yuchun. We also plan to make it available for participants to view at a later date.

We will send the video to Captain to show it to Yuchun and play it on stream but please understand there is no guarantee that he will play it.

【Details of Application】 

※This year, we will not ask you to send us your video of your message,

 just singing recording or images of yourself with a placard message.

 ★Participation in the chorus (Let’s form a Noege choir~^^/) 

  • We will sing the chorus of “너에게… (Kiss Your Sky)” together. We will edit everyone’s voice to the song.
  • We have prepared a Youtube video for you to practice and record the song. https://youtu.be/ltu-Koh_OGA 
  • Please make sure to use headphones when recording so that the accompaniment will not be recorded along with the song.
  • Please do not force your voice in the high notes where it is difficult to sing. Please skip it and sing where you can sing.^^.
  • Please sing in a gentle voice with love^^/.
  • Recording files can be in video format (mp4,mov…) or audio format (mp3). We will be happy to receive your recording files in video format (mp4,mov…) or audio format (mp3).
  • You can also take a video of your singing with a smart phone and send the file as it is! We will use only your audio. So please do not feel shy.

 ★Congratulatory images

  • We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please send us a photo taken with the words “I miss you” or “보고싶다” etc. in any language.
  • We will use it as a square image. (Please take a picture holding the placard on the assumption that it will be cut into squares.)
  • Wearing a hat or mask is also acceptable! Please take pictures in a way that the letters can be seen in large size.

Yuchun Birthday Celebration Video Production

Please fill in your nickname and country/area name (group name), and send it to the address below with an image/audio file attached.
Deadline: Must arrive no later than Thursday, May 12, 2022
Send it to  hello_yuchun@believeinyu.com

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