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To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama(2) | Believe in YU

To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama(2)

To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama

38 angel micky
ありのままのユチョンを 愛しています。                     



285 Angela Ramos
Our dearest Yoochun,

I know life is very difficult right now and you may have felt like the world has turned its back on you, time and again. But please, don’t believe those ugly thoughts of yours. Don’t believe what others say. Listen to what your Chunsas are saying: WE LOVE YOU AS YOU ARE, ALL WAYS, ALWAYS. So please calm your restless heart and know that we believe in you, that we will always support you. We are always praying for your wellbeing and happiness. We are here to help you make it through this storm. We are here to help you heal. We are here to help you rebuild your life no matter how many times it is ruined. You will never be alone for we are family. Take care of yourself always, you are very precious to us. You will always matter. You have a special place in our hearts and in this world. We love you, please always remember that. And please, there’s no need to apologize to us. We understand. You deserve our love, you deserve to be happy, you deserve everything good this life has to o
ffer because you are a good person.

Thank you for being an inspiration to us, even in your lowest and darkest days. For most of us, you are the bravest and strongest person we’ve ever known. Thank you for showing us how to keep going even if as though the whole world is against you. Thank you for showing us how to be kind even if a lot of people has wronged you. Thank you for teaching us how to be grateful despite the obstacles we face in life. And most of all, thank you for teaching us to deeply love despite being hurt over and over again. You are indeed a remarkable person.

Forever loving you,
Angela Ramos

330 Anh Hong Lina
We want the truth! Everybody is watching you, Korea!
373 anko6002
Yuchun and Yuchun’s mom and Yufan
I was helped by Yuchun’s song a smile when I was in pain or sad.
I hope that the happy life of three people will be restored as
soon as possible.
291 anne
だいすきな ゆちょん 💝

さんじゅうねんごも ゆちょぺン !!!!

ゆちょんの けんこうと しあわせ をいのっています。

🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻anne

238 Aommy6002
To PARK Family,You don’t worries about it, we will stay Strong and we don’t beside in you.You don’t give up me don’t give up.May the force be with you.Love you so much Yuchun oppa Yuhwan oppa and Super mama We be strong!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
우리 같이 꽃길만 걷자. 앞으로도 변 하지 않는 사랑으로 응원할께요. 영원히 팬이고 너의 편이야!! 사랑해
126 BazBunny
Dear Park yoochun

use your smile to change the world
don’t let the world change your smile

no matter what happens
I will alway there beside you

from your Thailand fangirl

398 Belle
To me you’ll always be an inspirtion i believe in you. *)
318 Bich Ngoc
Please treat everyone fairly.
Take a fairly investigation to obtain justice.
We’ll here to support Yuchun find out the truth.
197 Bloommie
🌻 🌻 Happiness come from within, I hope you’re happy from now until forever and I will always be by you side. Love you always Yuchun. 🌻 🌻
364 BuchiMai814
とうきょうは きょう とっても いいおてんき でした。さいきん 40ぷん いじょう さんぽ しています。とても きもちのいい かぜがふいて あるくのが ここちいいです。
まいにち ゆふぁんくんと おはなししてますよ。ゆふぁんくん とっても ちゃーみんぐ。ふぁんに なっちゃいました。すーぱーままも うしろで きいてるんだって。 ぱく ふぁみりー だいすきです。
たくさん ねて たべて うんどうして げんきにしてて くださいね。
209 Cassidy83
Without hesitating a second, I think I have nothing to do with my support for Park Yoochun is unconditional.
212 Cassidy85
There are many people in the world who with their talent my Yoochun has given wonderful moments and now in difficult times his Chunsas that we love send our love and support for him from Mexico 🇲🇽🌻🇲🇽❤️ and all Latin America.
133 Cassie
You are the only Park Yuchun with a warm voice, warm heart and warm smile to me, and to all of Cassiopeia. We love you not because of any fame or your appearance or anything else, we love you because you are you – our precious Yuchun. We love and trust in you no matter what happens in the past, the present, the future, to the Earth and the universe. We truly hope from the bottom of our heart that you’ll be healthy, and fine. Everything needs to be revealed, will be. We will smile again. Always keep the faith. Hope to the end.
157 Chalotte
YuChun, i’m always be with you, stay strong. I will wait you back.
370 chayu
だいすきなゆちょんへ ?
そらをみあげて いいかぜにふかれて あるいていこう!
とざされたとびらをあけたら またゆめも はしりだす
アーチスト ユチョン またどこかであえるとしんじてる!
ずっと ずっと そばに いるよ
148 Cherry
裕千,fighting ,ALWAYS BEDISA OF YU.
236 Cherry
Dear yuchun,

Hope you come back home early.

Miss you,hong kong love you.

185 CHERRY6002
Always Beside Of Yu.

Hong Kong Love You!

206 Cherryblossomskiss
ゆちょん だいじょうぶだよ
いままでも これからも となりにいるからね
ずっと ずっといっしょ…ね🌻
きこえる? そらをみて ゆちょん !ってよんでるんだよ
377 Chi Ha Hue
Fighting Park Yoochun!:)
203 chiahui
believe in YU and will support your decision in the future, even you want to leave the entertainment industry. Please be strong, safe and healthy. Love you from Taiwan.
81 Chiahui Chiu
Love yuchun’s music and acting works very much since 2013; Love yuchun’s personality — lovely, tender, worm, doing his best on everything necessary silently, keep promises, and of course fascinating. He is family; and I will be side of him always and support his decision about his future even though i have no chance to see him on screen anymore. keep safe and healthy please, 6002. love you!
57 chikakuni
わたしのこころは じゆうです。どこにでも いくことが できます。
だからね。 ゆちょん。あなたのそばにいたいのです。
ずっと まっていてもいいですか?
あなたが じゆうで しあわせで いるとわかるまで ずっと おうえんしてもいいですか? もし そのあとも あなたが ゆるしてくれるなら ずっと そばにいてもいいですか?
そっと してほしいときは おしえてくれますか?
わたしたちに あいたいときは よんでくれますか?
ゆちょん たいせつなひと🌻I respect you and your family🌻
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