To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama(4)

To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama

305 hanizo2722
우리는 계속 옆에서 지켜 봅니다
325 hara🌻
あなたを あいするひとが ここに ずっと いることを わすれないでね。
あなたが しあわせなら わたしも しあわせになれるから。
영원히 당신을 사랑합니다.
115 HarJyan
Park Yuchun! Always believe and love you ?
328 harumi
우리는 계속 당신곁에 있을께요! 오래오래 가족으로 떠나지 않을께요!
27 hiareinn
にほんのしんさい(じしん)のとき、しんぱいして あたたかい おこころで はげましてくださってありがとうございました。
やさしいきもち おもいやりわすれられません。ありがとうございました。
これからも ずっと あなたのファンです。ごかぞくさまの しあわせ とけんこうをこころから いのっていますね。いまも これからも
308 himawari6002
I always belive in YuChun. We will always beside of YuChun. We wait for YuChun to return to his family and Chunsa. Love Yuchun.
363 himawariteruru
おなじ そらのした いつもいっしょ。ゆうきときぼうとすてきなえがおをありがとう😊
待ってるからね。大丈夫 ! これから皆で新しい世界を作って行こうね。そして、6/4 あなたの尊いお母様から産まれた良い日。おめでとうございます! いつも横にいます、あなたのファンより。
114 Hoang My
Dear Yuchun Oppa ! I come from Vietnam . Vietnam’s Cass always beside you forever. I’m always trust and wait for you . Love you so much. Fighting !!!
408 Hoang Tram
I miss you park yoochun
I miss one DBSK 5 person
I miss jyj
So, yoochun Let’s strong Ok 😊
278 Hong Do
Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I believe in you no matter what they say. This time I want to be standing by your side. Hope you always optimistic ^^
409 H?ng Ng?
I believe yoochun
I will beside you
326 Hope6002
I really love you.
I always stand by you.
I can wait until you will be back!
Please take care of yourself!
123 Huong Ly Nguyen
Yuchunie oppa!!
I always hope you have a happy and peaceful life. I always want you to always smile really well.
I am really grateful that you are always trying, hard-working and trying to overcome depression to come back to the stage with us.
It is too difficult for you about everything coming into your life. But you are not alone. I always stay here for you. CASSIOPEIA always beside of you. We believe in you. Please do not give up!!
Be strong oppa, everything will be fine. We will alway beside you, support you. I want you to smile so much again.
I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU SO MUCH. We’ll be with you ever ever after!!
230 iambay
I love you and i always to support yu. i don’t know what i say but yu know i love you and always trust about you do. i don’t what to say and i say eng so ugly but i want to yu know i love you and always love you. 💕
393 Intira Patcharanu
Oppa! Keep fighting and be strong I know that you can go through hard time.
I love you and will always with you!
Love you forever
No matter what you decied I’m always here❤
392 Isslowdacethaifan
You don’t worry. I waiting for YUCHUN. I subport you always.
I love Yuchun Yuhwan and Supermama. (PARK FAMILY)
We are family. Very very very very love you.          


77 Jacy Chien
Yuchun you are the only one Korean celebrity I love. I love you since 2008 till now and will last forever. I know you are in a hard time now, but remember we understand you, believe in you and are supporting you, waiting for you! Please stay calm, and take care of your health for now. We wait for the time we meet again with smiles, ok? Best wishes for you!
411 Jane
the truth always, sooner or later reveals all an injustice that wants to hide it, the way they are treating, it is not correct, justice for Yuchun!!
162 Janet Thomas
I’ve been you fan since 2008. Ive seen you perform live. Ive watched your dramas and your movies. You and your family are forever in my thoughts. Be strong.
357 JC
I’m thai. I love you Yuchun.. Fighting!
205 jemmy
박유천 화이팅!
일본에서 응원하고 있습니다.
219 Jen
Hi there, I’m the fan who supported Yuchun since 15 years ago. Although I only went to one concert in Taiwan but I follow all Yuchun’s status and news. I love Yuchun’s voice, which walk me through every tough and happy moment. Yuchun is my childhood memories and dreams. I understand people lives with desire and the reality doesn’t meant to me, but I still wish Yuchun can live a life he like and be happy and contentment forever and ever.
253 jen
StayStrong yuchun oppa

I always wait for you and support oppa & family

cheer up & figthing!🌻❤️

208 Jenny Wu
힘내세요, 오빠.
그리고 다시 시작!
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