To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama(9)

To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama

134 niingie
이 힘든 시간이 지나가면 당신은 더 강해질거예요
힘내요 네 옆에 항상 있잖아요
182 Ning
Fighting! I am an open-minded fan so I think recently, it’s only an obstacle in your life. Anyone can have the second chance if he or she wants to. The rise of your time again would be more meaningful if you struggle to seize the opportunities! Make your strength and talent be seen by everybody! Make them count!
Always keep the faith comes from you, and I hope you still remember it!
31 noapy
396 nohohonnaomi
297 NONE
I knew that it is hard for you and your family, but please remember that you and your family are not alone. There’s plenty of us who is still support you and love you with all our heart! Love you just like the first day we met!
368 nonpop4
There is always light behind the clouds.🌞

나도 곁에 있고 싶어🌻
Park Family의 행복을 바라고 있습니다🌻
평생 유천팬🌻😊💕

211 Nora Jimenez
Yoochun, I wanna say thank you for all happiness you give it to me, through all your hardwork, I wish and pray for you to be happy too, please don’t give up
371 noririn
262 Nunii
Don’t cry. Keep it in your mind the past was gone and them will be taught you, so please don’t do it again and always remember that how many people who love you will support you and give you change again.
110 oan Ngoc My Duyen
Stay strong Yuchun. I am here with you.
301 PamTH
I believe in Yuchun. Hope you can back home soon and I waiting you come to Thailand for show your performane. I love Slow dance song so much.
176 Park Chunnielover
I know that it is not easy for you to get through these days. Thank you very much for your persistence and determination. When you come back, let’s meet and laugh together! Do what you love to do … Travel to the countries you love … Live the life you love. ^^ Your happiness is my satisfaction. 🌻💙
220 Park Chunnielover
I have known you for four years, I am in Hong Kong, you are in South Korea. We are far apart, but the connected hearts are very close. I have accompanied you through the rugged road for the past days. I will analyze the incidents carefully. I believe in you without any doubts. Please take care of yourself, the difficulties will soon pass. My wish is that you will live happily in the future. Bless you! ❤️
228 pave0407
I love you, no matter what will happened I promised I will beside you as always. Let do what you wanna do and wish you happy and healthy. love you park yuchun ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕
383 Pham h?ng
Toi hy v?ng Yuchun luon m?nh kh?e, h?nh phuc. Du a ? b?t c? ?au thi toi v?n luon doi theo anh. I trust him and i always waiting
381 Ph?m Thu? D??ng
Chunnie…You are not alone.
Don’t scare
Don’t back down…
We always beside of you
We are fighting together.
Don’t give up until we prove your innocence!!!
Love u forever!!!
101 Phan H?ng Van
Always by YooChun’s side!
M?i th? s? ?n thoi anh chung ta hay cung v??t qua nhe
Yeu anh
369 Phi Pham Hoang Yen
I always support you, now and forever. We’ll waiting for your return safe and sound, happiness surround.
405 Phuong Trang
Yoochun, I totally believe in you. I will stand by you till the end. Please stay strong, you’re not alone. You’re not only my idol but also my brother, my family. Oppa fighting!!!
9 piropiropie
そらを みあげて きょうも いのるよ
その えがおを おもいうかべて
73 piropiropie
ユファンくんとスーパーママ、 そしてもちろんユチョンが げんきで しあわせで えがおで すごせることを いつもいつも いのっています。
78 piropiropie
No matter what huge darkness covers you,we’ll always cuddle you.
It won’t change until you and your family smile.
Our forever shining star Park Yuchun.
Wherever you are, we’ll stay close together.
67 piropiropie
ごはんをたべる しごとにいく かえってねむる
そんな まいにちに あたらしいことが ふえました     

そらを みあげて いのる

そして いつもどおり
あなたの うたを きいて
そっと あなたを みまもり
ずっと あなたを おうえんする

ぜんぶ わたしには ふつうに あたりまえの にちじょうです

225 piropiropie
スーパームーンにむかって こんやも ユチョンの えがおと けんこうを いのります
わたしたちは かわらず いつも ここに いるからね
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