To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama(10)

To our beloved Yuchun, Yuhwan, and Super mama

68 piropiropieのご友人
わたしの ふるい ゆうじんは ながねん うつとたたかっています。らいぶには いけず SNSも していません。てれびで どらまを みるだけですが いつも ゆちょんを おうえんしていました。こんかいの いろいろなほうどうで とてもしんぱいしています。 そんな かのじょからの でんごんです。
なにもできないけれど ずっとずっと とおくからひっそりと おうえんしています。いつまでも ふぁんです。
252 podgonn
Good times becime good memories. And bad times become good lessons.
300 Prapairat Nokkeaw
Stay strong to fight injustice.
Honesty and goodness will protect you.
We will pray for you to win.
We always stand by you. Forever and Forever           

Love YU Forever @nokkeaw6002

149 Prapairat Nokkeaw
I believe in YU. He is innocent.I need justice for him.
257 Pumkin6002
Yuchun, we are here waiting for you. Take your time, there is no rush, we are not going anywhere without you. The road is long but the light is shinning brightly in front of you, where ever you go, we will be right beside you. Your happiness is the most important thing in life. Love you forever.
113 Quynh Vu
Always beside Yoochun, always his company, waiting for him. Come back and be strong. Among a great things in my life which know him.
Be brave, my love !
279 quynhhoa
61 rainbow miki
414 Raja Kormi
I’ been a DBSK fan since 2006 and Yunho was my bias. Even so, I admired your talent, your singing voice and acting.
Since this dark period that has happened in your life, I am always thinking of you and praying for you. I hurt and cry for you and pray that you can come home soon.
151 Rebecca Yeung
Yu Chun, I am always believe in you,always by your side and supporting! I know how your hardship time from2016 till now.I respect all your decisions as you had chosen, but I only believe you. Things may turn into good if you keep on be tough and confident, keep yourself health in good condition, so, you must have clear mind to think how to conquer this battle, don’t ever give up! There are so many love surrounding you in the world, this we hope that can encourage you to fight against this unfair battle. To be true, I am still think that you are innocent but unlucky that you was chosen to draw the society’attention to cover about Burning Sun. I really want to see you again on stage when your health and mental get recover. You are a talent of being a singer and actor. So, please don’t give us up! Sunshine is coming to you! Let us see you ina good healthy condition is the biggest gift to fans!
1 ree5468728
ひかりに むかって
たちどまっても いいし
とおまわりだって わるいこと ばかりじゃないから♪
232 Rie


294 Riho.T
I am waiting for your return. Let’s start new every day. It does not exist while having fun. I love you🎧🎼🎹🎤🎬💝
255 Ringo
Hi Yuchun, I’m a big fan of your work. I’m always here for you.
Take care of yourself. 몸조심하세요
今まで一緒に約束したこと忘れずに待ってます?とにかく元気で約束叶えましょう どんなときも寄り添えるように
116 SafiyaThaifans
I have been in love with you since you were in TVXQ. You told us to keep the faith and I always do. Whatever other people say i don’t care because they don’t know you like us. You are so kind and never let us down. Please don’t give up Yuchun oppa. Thai fans and I always stand by you 🙂
406 Sagitta Kim
I support Yuchun and believe in his innocent. Korea please gives back to Yuchun the justice he deserves to have!
13 sakura
지지 마。
무엇이 있어도。계속 응원합니다。
희망을 버리지 말고。살아있는 것만으로도
나는 행복합니다。
유환、슈퍼 엄마
나도 믿고 있습니다!
26 sao
I have been YUCHUN’s fun for more ten years. It does’t change from now. Please don’t forget in the world there are many your funs. Always beside of YUCHUN.
188 satjawatee
Hello yuchun I’m your ThaiFan , yuchun ah I always your light for you , hope you miss me when you feel lonely , i will always by yourside i did this for more10+ years and i will continue it cause i love you , i respect your decision and will always follow you , you happy me happy that’s it’s my love for you , Love YU and your family.
385 Satoko
ユチョン、けんこうにきをつけてね。いつまでも、まっているので、あせらずげんきになってください。ユチョンからのおくりもの、slow dance はたいせつにきいています。コンサートはほんとうにすばらしかったよ。ユチョンのうたもえんぎもすばらしいよ。このさいのうをたいせつにして、じぶんをあいしてあげてね。ユファンくんやスーパーママと、しずかにくらせるのをいのってます。
246 SeaZoo
We love Yuchun and YooHwan and SUPERMAMA !!!
I hope Yuchun gets back to your family as soon as possible.
Until then, please take good care of YooHwan and SUPERMAMA’s body.
375 Shaheena Khan
Dear Yuchun,
Thank you for being you. You are so sensitive, caring and generous. You are so talented and gifted. You truly are an unique individual.I am so glad that I know you and support you in every way. Always Keep The Faith.
376 Shaheena Khan
I have been a DBSK fan since 2006 and Yunho was my bias. Even so, I have always admired your talent, your singing voice and your acting.
Since this dark period that has happened in your life, I find I am always thinking of you and praying for you. I hurt and cry for you and pray that you can come home soon. I miss you.
343 Shim Hee Chan
Yoochun ah! You’re not alone. We always beside you. Together smile! Together cry! Together strong! Together look for the sunshine!
In the world, have many many things lie, but my love for you is real. I know you when I’m only a little girl. At that time, my love has a little crazy, many people said that I like a sesangfan but I don’t think so. Now, this love has change, I don’t like you as famous person, you with me like a person in the family. I and very many Cassiopeia or Bigeast in the world are always your fulcrum. We’re always the place where love you and welcome you!
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