Chronological account of Park Yuchun & Hwan Hana Case

Chronological account of Park Yuchun & Hwan Hana Case

Date of creation; April.25.2019 Last updated; June.11.2019

Date/year Events
2009 Hwan Hana’s drug case’ indictment was suspended.
September 22nd Ms.A was given 0.5g of philopon  in plastic bag by Hwan Hana and remitted 300,000Won on Sep. 22, 2015. The first trial statement said Ms.A & Hwan Hana conspired.  (It was later reported that Hana paid 100 mil. Won to Ms.A as hush money.
January 8th Seoul Central District Court gave 2 year-6 month sentence with 3-year suspension to Ms.A.
April 22nd The above decision was confirmed at Seoul High Court. (Hwan Hana’s name disappeared from this case.
April 1st Park Yuchun & Hwan Hana’s upcoming marriage on September 2017 was reported.
April 13th  C-Jes Entertainment publicly announced their engagement.
June 18th Hwan Hana’s instagram showed the dog shelter volunteer work of Yuchun and Hana, showing Yuchun’s scars on his legs.
July Park Yuchun & Hwan Hana’s breakup was reported.
August, 25th Park Yuchun’s military (social )service at Gwangnam City Hall ended.
September 12th C-Jes officially annouced that Yuchun & Hana’s marriage would be postponed with no future fixed plans.
March 10 & 11 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan,  Remember the Memories (Musashino, Tokyo)
May 15th C-Jes officially announced their breakup. (Hwan Hana denied the reported breakup on her instagram.)
May 16th Hwan Hana admitted the breakup on her Instagram.
June 2nd 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Nagoya, Aichi
June 4th YES24 LIVE HALL 2018 Park Yuchun Birthday Fan Meeting in Seoul
June 9, 10th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Makuhari, Chiba 
June 27th, 28th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Oita
July 2nd 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Hiroshima
July 5th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Nagoya
July 7th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in  Hong Kong
July 9th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Kobe
July 10th. 11th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Osaka 
July 21st 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Taipei 
July 23rd 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Hamamatsu
July 24th 2018 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting & Mini Concert in Japan, Hachioji, Tokyo
January Park Yuchun moved to Gyeonggi-do,Hanam-si
February 27th Park Yuchun released 1st solo album “SLOWDANCE”
February 28th Hwan Hana made threatening remark on her instagram and deleted it.
March 2nd Park Yuchun held SLOWDANCE concert in Seoul
March 5th & 6th Park Yuchun tour concert “SLOWDANCE” in Kobe, Japan
March 8th& 15th Park Yuchun fan sign events in Seoul
March 19th& 20th& 21th Park Yuchun tour concert “SLOWDANCE” in Tokyo, Japan
April 1st Toa & Korean Securities Newspaper reportede Hana was expelled from her school in the U.S. while she was studying there due to allegation of taking drugs.
April 2nd

Police internal investigation started for improper investigation of Hwan Hana’s drug allegation.

MBC reported Hwan Hana herself obtained illegal drugson Internet and took drugs in Feb & March.
April 3rd

SBS 8 News reported Hwan Hana’s suspected use of illegal drugs.

Overseas travel ban was imposed on Hwan Hana.
April 4th Hwan Hana got arrested.
April 6th Hwan Hana said she was given drug when she was asleep.
April 7th Hwan Hana said she started taking drugs at the recommendation by celebrity A.
April 8th

SBS 8 News reported “the Police planned to summon the celebrity A who recommended the drug to Hwan Hana for questioning” and “the Police was considering to build the case by treating the celebrity A as the suspect.

April 10th

Park Yuchun held press conference to state his innocense.

OBS reported that in referrence to the Robert Harley case it was confirmed Hwan Hana herself obtained illegal drugs on the Internet.

April 11st

USKN News reported the information was given that Hwan Hana’s younger brother Hwan Seunghyeon sent her drugs.

April 12th Overseas travel ban was imposed on Park Yuchun.
Hwan Hana stated that Hana and Yuchun took drug together two or three times this year.
Hwan Hana was sent to the prosecution with her face completely covered.

Central Daily? & Korean Daily: Hwan Hana  was suspected of taking drugs in May, June, Sep. 2015, at home, etc. & of making illegal use of a pcychotropic agent in April 2018.

April 15th C-jes announced that Mr. Kwon was selected as Yuchun’s legal representative.
April 16th House search was conducted at residence of Park Yuchun and residence and office of Hwan Hana and, the quick urine check was conducted on Park Yuchun whose result turned negative.
April 17th First summon of Park Yuchun to Gyeonggi South District Police Station
Media report was made that Yuchun appeared at the police with most of his body hair waxed implying his intention to destroy evidence.

Channel A reported that the police obtained the footage showing Hana and Yuchun were taking drugs together. 

April 18th Second summon of Park Yuchun to Gyeonggi South District Police Station.

KBS news report: “Police questioned Yuchun on the CCTV footage of payment at ATM in Seoul and searching something 20 minutes later in a specified place. ’s lawyer issued the statement that police never asked questions on CCTV footage. Park Yuchun side denied allegations.”

Park Yuchun lawyer rebuked that the police never asked about the CCTV footage and Yuchun’s leg hair was taken from the hair root and the detailed drug test was under way.

?? ? BBS reported that Korean fan club demanded the discharge of Yuchun from Cjes based on unauthorized statement posted on Park Yuchun DC Gallery. ( ←Fans never demanded Yuchun’s discharge. This statement is totally unauthorized by Park Yuchun DC Gallery.)

April 19th Park Yuchun’s drug test conducted by National Institute of Scientific Investigation turned positive. We heard from unofficial source that police did not tell Yuchun side that they obtained the result even though Yuchun side asked about it.
April 22nd Park Yuchun third summon to the Gyeonggi South District Police.
Park Yuchun lawyer demanded MBC that it correct its false report on CCTV footages and pay for damages.(Has Yuchun side withdraw this claim with the resignation of his for me)
April 23rd Media reported Yuchun’s positive result of NISI. Hteead hair test turned negative while the leg hair test turned positive.
Gyeonggi South District Police Agency Drug Investigation Unit applied for Yuchun’s preliminary detention to the prosecution. 
April 24th Cjes officially announced the termination of the contract with Park Yuchun.
The names and photos of Yuchun and JYJ disappeared from Cjes Korean website. (Their photos & other content remain on JYJ Official & Park Yuchun Official websites and Facebook as of May 5th, 2019.)
April 26th Suwon District Court deliberated on the preliminary detention warrant applied by Suwon District Prosecution Office.
Park Yuchun’s detention was decided on the ground of the risk of destroying evidence and commiting suicide.
April 27th  First interrogation after detention
April 28th Second interrogation after detention
April 30th Park Yuchun admitted the allegations. (How much of the allegations were admitted has not been clarified. Media have reported differently as almost all and all.)
  Many people voiced their concerns over Yuchun’s mental and physical health on SNS.
May 3rd Park Yuchun was sent to the Suwon Prosecution Office.
May 16th  Park Yuchun was prosecuted.
June 4th Namyang Dairy Product’s chairman ??? released a letter of apology on the suspect Hwan Hana and Hana’s drug case.
June 5th Hwan Hana’s first trial. <Korean Daily朝鮮日報> It reported that Hana with drug abuse allegation submitted 10 letters of remorse.
June 14th Park Yuchun’s first trial is scheduled.
June 19th Hwan Hana’s second trial is scheduled.


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